Bed bugs are not just a nuisance; they are invasive pests that can cause significant discomfort and stress within households. These small but formidable insects are experts at hiding and can quickly turn your home into their breeding ground, necessitating pest control...
Africanized bees are highly aggressive and pose a greater danger than other bee species due to their quick-to-strike demeanor. University Termite & Pest Control specializes in safeguarding homes and businesses from these so-called “killer bees.” Our...
Swimming pools are magnets for bees and wasps drawn to the water to drink and take back to their hives or nests. While bees are vital in pollinating and maintaining ecosystems’ health, their presence around swimming pools can be unsettling and potentially...
Introduction University Termite & Pest Control understands the issue of bed bug infestations. These tiny, elusive pests are masters of concealment and can quickly transform your living space into a source of discomfort and stress. Bed bugs represent a significant...
Introduction At University Termite & Pest Control, located in Tucson, Arizona, we understand the challenges our climate presents in managing pest control. Our extensive experience in local pest control has made us aware of how weather significantly impacts insect...
Balancing Risks and Benefits: When to Remove or Leave a Beehive Understanding bee behavior and its role in the ecosystem is crucial when managing beehives on your property. At University Termite & Pest Control, we believe in a balanced approach to beehive...