You may never see a scorpion, but if you move to, or visit, Arizona, it’s good to learn some information about these arachnids. Arizona is home to over 30 different species of scorpions, but, the most venomous is the Arizona bark scorpion. Following are 19 facts that you probably never knew about scorpions. And following that are some more specifics about the Arizona bark scorpion that set them apart.

Scorpion Traits

  1. Survive all year long in all kinds of weather
  2. Hibernate during winter
  3. Have two dark eyes on the top of their head and three pairs of lateral eyes
  4. Have poor vision and can only perceive movement, and light and dark
  5. Have four pairs of legs and pincers that look like little lobster claws
  6. Have “sensory hairs” on their bodies and legs that can sense vibrations in the air and guide the stinger to the prey or predator
  7. Have two venom glands that produce venom and a barbed tail to inject the poison
  8. Can regulate venom delivery in scale to the target size, allowing them to conserve venom for larger prey or predators
  9. Delivers the first sting with toxins that are strong enough to stun the prey, and produce milder stings later using different toxins
  10. Have a shrimp-like exoskeleton rather than bones
  11. Give birth to live young in the summer, approximately two to 18 months after mating. After birth, baby scorpions climb up and take a position on the mother’s back until they molt their exoskeleton (usually seven to 21 days)
  12. Fluoresce under ultraviolet light
  13. Feed on cockroaches, crickets, and spiders
  14. Survive for days without food, but require access to water
  15. Because of tiny mouths, crush their prey and dissolve their insides by bathing them in caustic enzymes
  16. Are immune to their own venom
  17. Found on every continent except Antarctica
  18. Nocturnal hunters who hide and protect themselves from heat
  19. Live between two to 10 years, but may survive up to 25 years

Bark Scorpion Traits

They are the only scorpion that:

  1. Can coexist with other types of scorpions and gather in large groups when nesting.
  2. Prefer to hide in the tree bark of Mesquite trees or underneath palm tree fronds.
  3. Range in length from two to three inches, including the tail – making them the smallest scorpion in Arizona.
  4. Are tannish in color with no identifying marks.
  5. Prefer to climb.
  6. Can stick to the undersurface of objects.
  7. Are one of the 25 species of scorpions, and the only in the United States that has a sting potent enough to potentially harm humans. Their sting causes severe pain, tingling, and other side effects, and requires medical attention.

Bark scorpions can enter tiny, 1/16th-inch cracks in homes, and because they can climb, they are often found hiding on ceilings, or behind curtains. Effective scorpion control in Arizona often requires professional intervention from specialists who remove the scorpions present and eradicate their food sources from every area of your property.

If you are ready to take the first steps toward defending your home and family against pests, we invite you to contact  University Termite & Pest Control Inc. Click here to schedule a free initial inspection and consultation. We are always happy to answer any questions you might have!

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