Enjoy being outdoors with the family by following these ten tips to prevent bee stings. If you do get stung then remove the stinger immediately and know the normal reaction to a bee sting versus an allergic reaction. Only about 1 in 1000 experience an allergic reaction to bees, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. Read more about types of reactions and what to do if you are stung by a bee here: (https://www.ars.usda.gov/Research/docs.htm?docid=11067). Check out this informative infographic, created by University Termite & Pest Control, to help prevent bee stings all together with these simple tips.
- Hold the perfume.
Bees are attracted to the sweet smell of flowers so limit or forgo that sweet floral scent when planning to be outdoors.
- Ditch the sugar.
Bees love the honey, and are drawn to the sugary sweet sodas and juices that are so popular at outdoor picnics and BBQs. Why not try for a healthier option and keep the bees away? If you can’t ditch the soda, keep it covered.
- Protect your feet.
Flip flops and summer go hand in hand, but it is much less likely you will be stung by a bee in the foot if you are wearing close-toed shoes. Especially watch your step when you are barefoot by the pool as bees love to hang out around the water.
- Wear neutral tones.
Bees are also drawn to the bright colors of the flowers they pollinate so it is best to avoid bright colors and floral patterns.
- Keep your garbage clean.
Try to rinse food containers before disposing of them and bag discarded fruit to limit bees’ attraction to your outdoor garbage cans.
- Remain calm.
People tend to swat at bees when they are around, which is the number one way to scare them into stinging! Try to stay calm and if a bee lands on you try gently blowing on them to get them to move on.
- Close the windows.
Bees have a way of flying in open car windows so keep them rolled up to avoid an unexpected guest.
- Avoid loose clothing
Little bees can find their way into loose sleeves and other draping garments. Save yourself from the surprise of a bee in your clothing by wearing more fitted apparel.
- If you get stung…
Remove the stinger right away to minimize the spread of venom. Cover your mouth and eyes and leave the area. When a bee stings it releases a scent that attracts other bees to the area.
- If you have a hive…
Contact a professional to have it removed safely. Read more about bee removal here.