When you think about some of the wildlife that causes the most property damage in Arizona, you may be surprised to find that one of the most destructive species is also one of the smallest. Woodrats, also known as pack rats, pose a threat to structures in your home, industrial wiring, and even the internal components of your automobile. Even tiny families of these rodents are capable of causing thousands of dollars of damage in a short period of time as they chew their way through wiring and even steal valuables to take to their nests. These hairy little bandits are bound to be one of the most frustrating infestations for any homeowner to deal with, so today we are taking a closer look at some ways you can keep these invaders out of your car and your home.

Protecting Your Car From Pack Rats

Homeless pack rats are not choosy and will seek out any port in a storm. Not content just to shelter in the internal housing of the vehicle, they tend to make themselves at home by vandalizing car wiring and chewing through hoses. Although the engine compartment has many convenient places for them to hide, they will not hesitate to burrow through anything they can chew through to improve their living situation. They are also often attracted by insulation and may enjoy chewing on it even if they cannot digest it. The best way to protect your vehicle is to store it in an enclosed garage, but even this will only inconvenience determined pack rats. Avoiding storing garbage cans in the garage with the vehicle will also lower the chances that the rats will invade the garage and find their way into the vehicle. If a vehicle is to be stored outdoors for a long period of time, it may be a good investment to place rat traps or other deterrent devices in close proximity to the undercarriage of the vehicle.

Keeping Pack Rats Out Of Your Home

Many Arizona homeowners have suddenly been made aware of their pack rat infestation only when the power goes out or the plumbing springs a leak. If you don’t want to find out if you have these furry guests in this manner, there are some preventative steps you can take. Many are methods that will also help to control populations of other mice and rat species. Storing outdoor furniture and grills at night prevents them from finding an easy source of shelter that may serve as a bridge to your home. A home inspection will also help you find and seal any foundation cracks or crevices that they may use to move in and build a midden in your crawl space or attic. Poison is not recommended as it may have a deadly impact on the health of species that prey on the rats, eliminating the most convenient pest control that nature provides.

Do you suspect a pack rat infestation in your home? Contact University Termite and Pest Control today!

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