As the weather cools, the first thing that people do is break out the layers. Jackets, sweaters, hoodies, and coats become famous as the weather cools. Animals are going through the same thing as the weather changes; only their homes are void of heat and warmth. While some decide to hibernate and wait for spring, others spend the cold winter months looking for places to stay warm.

Common Animals that Come Inside

Some common animals might try to come into your home during the winter. Most of them can fit into small spaces, making it easy for them to find a way inside. Most homeowners struggle to find the place that animals have entered, and some never have success. The main animals that come inside are:

  • Birds
  • Raccoons
  • Squirrels
  • Bats

Other animals might come inside too. If you have an animal that gets inside, even if you have gotten it out yourself, you might want to call University Termite & Pest Control to ensure that they can’t find their way in again.

Things Animals Want

When a wild animal comes into your home, it is typically for a reason. The main one in the winter is that animals are searching for food and warmth. Familiar sources of food include snacks and even baked goods that are left out uncovered. Make sure that you keep food scraps picked up and dishes clean to help save animals away. Animals are also trying to stay safe from predators. While small animals can get inside, larger predators are not typically able to fit.

Prevent Animals from Entering Your Home

There are some things that you can do to prevent animals from coming into your home.

  • Make sure that you keep cracks and holes covered.
  • Use screens on all of your windows and vents.
  • Regularly inspect areas where pipes enter and exit your home.
  • Call a pest control service to ensure that you have sealed off all possible entry points.

How to Find an Animal in Your Home

Most people typically hear an animal in their home before they see it. If they do not hear the animal, they will likely discover droppings at some point. Naturally, areas to look for droppings are kitchen drawers, basements, storage closets, pantries, and attics. Even if you have no reason to believe an animal has been in your home, you can check these places. If you see droppings, you know that there has been a problem.

What to Do if You Have an Animal in Your Home

The first thing you should do if you have an animal in your home is to call University Termite & Pest Control. They will send a professional to your home to capture the animal and get it out of your home. Then they will work to seal any areas that could be potential entry points and let you know what to look for next time. If you ask, they will even show you the types of spaces they seal to ensure that you know how to seal them.

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