The best form of bee control is prevention, eliminating potential hive sites or sealing up openings that might allow access to these sites. An experienced Bee Control Technician can help identify these potential hive sites and determine the best way to seal them. Once a colony establishes in or around the home, bees have something to defend.
Africanized bees will set up sentries to fly CAP (Combat Air Patrol), patrolling this territory. If a person enters this defensive zone, the sentries will dive and body slams the person as a warning not to approach closer. If the warning is not heeded, zap… you are stung. The sting includes a pheromone trigger that causes additional bees to sting.
Do not attempt to eliminate the bees on your own. This is how people were injured or killed when the Africanized bees first arrived in Arizona. A specially trained Bee Control Technician has the appropriate safety equipment to allow him to deal with bees. Once the bees are eliminated, if the hive was in the home or a wall void, the dead bees, honey and honeycomb (wax) must be removed. Without the bees to maintain all of this organic material, it will begin to rot, smell and attract other pests. Your Bee Control Technician can also assist in determining the best course of action.
For more details about bees in Arizona, click here.